About me

This is the personal homepage of Jun Luo, who received his bachelor’s degree from Yanshan University in 2022 and is recommended for admission to Chongqing University for his master’s degree. His research interests are visual semantic SLAM and visual inertial SLAM. He was supervised by Professor Huayan Pu and Researcher Gang Wang. He is looking for the 2025 fall PhD!! Welcome interested teachers send an email to contact!

Important News!

  1. Congrats!I won the National Scholarship for graduate students in 2022-2023 (https://xgb.cqu.edu.cn/info/1011/2870.htm)! Thank the school for the honor!


  1. 2024/1/30 Congratulations! Tao Huang and I collaborated on “A Framework for Real-time Generation of Multi-directional Traversability Maps in Unstructured Environments” has been accepted by The 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024)! The paper could be presented at the conference! This work focuses on the problem of robot passability in the environment.
  2. 2024/4/27 Congratulations! Tao Huang and I collaborated on “MD-TLCF Miner Distance Detection Based on Trajectory-Based Low-Confidence Filter” has been accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement! The work focuses on the detection of miners in work scenarios and corresponding physical distances.
  3. 2024/6/15 Congratulations! I was invited by Xi ‘an Jiaotong University to give a keynote report at the “The Sixth Western Universities Mechanical Students Forum”, the theme of which was “Perception and Exploration based on outdoor non-structural scenes”. Thank you Xi ‘an Jiaotong University for your invitation!
  4. 2024/6/30 Congratulations! My research “BE-SLAM BEV-Enhanced Dynamic Semantic SLAM with Static Object Reconstruction” has been accepted by The 2024 IEEERSJ International Conference on Technology Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)!. This paper will be presented in ABU Dhabi in October this year! The work focuses on the fusion of Visual SLAM and BEV.
  5. 2024/8/23 Congratulations! My invention patent “The invention relates to a method, system, and product of constructing terrain semantic map based on stereo camera” has been successfully granted!


  1. 2023/1/14 Congratulations! Gang Wang and I collaborated on “Reconstruction of Smooth Skin Surface Based on Arbitrary Distributed Sparse Point Clouds” has been accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. The work focuses on accurately reconstructing the skin surface covering the skeleton structures.
  2. 2023/4/20 I attended The 10th China Command and Control Conference.
  3. 2023/5/9 Congratulations! My invention patent “The robot autonomy facing the harsh environment in the field can be achieved by means of methods and robots” has been successfully published!
  4. 2023/7/18 Congratulations! My invention patent “A method and system for constructing terrain semantic map in field environment” has been successfully published!
  5. 2023/7/21 I attended The 4th National SLAM Technical Forum.
  6. 2023/9/24 I attended The National Defense Science and Technology Highland Forum.
  7. 2023/10/4 Congratulations! My paper “Visual SLAM Integration With Semantic Segmentation and Deep Learning A Review” has been accepted by IEEE Sensors Journal!. The work focuses on visual SLAM’s frontier research.
  8. 2024/10/10 Congrats!I won Class A scholarship of Chongqing University in 2022-2023! Thank the school for the honor!
  9. 2024/10/13 Congratulations! My invention patent “A terrain semantic map construction method, system, and product based on the stereo camera” has been successfully published!
  10. 2023/10/20 Congrats!I was awarded as the advanced Individual of students striving for Excellence in 2022-2023! Thank the school for the honor!
  11. 2023/10/26 Congrats!I won the National Scholarship for graduate students in 2022-2023(https://xgb.cqu.edu.cn/info/1011/2870.htm)! Thank the school for the honor!
  12. 2023/10/27 Congratulations! My paper “Strip running deviation monitoring and feedback real-time in smart factories based on improved YOLOv5” has been accepted by Sustainable Computing Informatics and Systems!. The work focuses on the strip in the process of running off the problem.
  13. 2023/11/25 I attended Autonomous Robotic Technology Seminar.
  14. 2023/12/15 I went to Singapore to visit NTU and NUS for exchange study.


  1. 2022/3/1 I was awarded the Excellent Graduate of Yanshan University.
  2. 2022/6/1 I was awarded the Excellent Graduate of Hebei Province.
  3. 2022/12/14 Congratulations! In the 11th Kehui Cup Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, our team won the provincial first prize!


  1. 2019/4/20 Congratulations! I won the National Excellence Award of the 13th National Zhou Peiyuan College Student Mechanics Competition!
  2. 2019/12/20 Congratulations! I won the third prize in the 11th National Mathematics Competition for College students!
  3. 2021/7/20 Congratulations! Our team (master) won the special prize of the 15th China Siemens Intelligence Challenge!
  4. There have been 3 national scholarships, 8 other scholarships, and more than 30 other competitions and honors.